First of all, I want to thank the guys (and girl ?) from Manual Zombie for sending this in. Manual Zombie is a promising new band hailing from Brooklyn, New York. On their new (homemade) album, which is scheduled for release on December 25th, you'll hear a variety of styles, going from The Velvet's psychedelia to garage, and Sonic Youth's distortions to blues. Here's a nice review I found on their Myspace-page.
Manual Zombie is a New York/Brooklyn-based psychedelic band (like Sky Picnic), a duo of two guys: Ahmad and Ben. Compared to Sky Picnic, their music is more sinister and far less influenced by 60ies/70ies psychedelic rock. Manual Zombie's sound is at least to some degree rooted in the 90ies grunge, post punk and metal sound (though on tracks like "automatic people" some Sweet-Sister-Ray-VU-Punk is greeting). I'd also say I hear some Black Flag influences, and I especially love that excellent distorted guitar playing. Their other main weapon is the voice - often spooky and menacing with strange spoken word passages:This is a trip to the dark realms of psychedelia. Enjoy!
You wanna make a journey into the music history of the past 40 years, take 'Manual Zombie' as your guide and let them lead you into 60's psychedelia, 70's punk, 80's lofi and 90's grunge era. Enjoy your trip.