Saturday, January 17, 2009

V.A. - The Mighty Desert Rock Avengers (2CD) 2002

People Like You Records presents, in collaboration with, the world some of the greatest descendants of Desert Rock; 34 bands and over 120 minutes. You'll find here some well-known bands such as Mushroom River Band, Lowrider, Awesome Machine, Solace, Santoro, Sunride, Eternal Elysium, Blind Dog, ZeroCharisma , Stoner Kings, Honcho, Thumlock, Atomic Bitchwax, Solarized, Sparzanza, Zebulon, Red Aim, Abdullah, Desert Sun, Duster 69 , Orqestra Del Desierto , Ribeye Brothers, Spiritu and Gallery Of Mites, besides some very unknown bands such as Rite, Backdraft, Souldivider, Seid, Plutonium Orange, Los Vibes e.a..

disc 1

disc 2

1 comment:


Pascalito this is a great complication from one of the best record companies around (surely they have the most original title "I used to fuck people like you in prison")